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Good Luck Bees


                          Melissae, the Bee Goddess 

Mythological Bees

Bees...such a beautiful creature that has been admired for centuries. In all the common mythologies, Greek, Roman, Celtic, and Egyptian, saw bees as incredibly smart and were thought to be messengers between our world and the next. The fact that bees made honey was miraculous and considered a God-given gift to many cultures in mythology.

Being the mighty messengers they were, bees were able to fight back because of their stinger. In Roman mythology, Jupiter, king of the gods, gave the bee its sting. Juno, being his wife, thought this weapon was amazing and decided the bees should repay Jupiter for his generous gift through sacrifice, which is why bees die when they sting.

Just the presence of a bee would bring about good tidings. For example, Greeks thought that a baby who had a bee land on its lips would grow to become a strong speaker.

Invite the bees...

No complaints to be had when bees are coming to town. In fact go ahead and throw away those old fortune cookies, because bees are the only good fortune you need.

Don't be so quick to brush them off your hand, they bring money when they use you hand as a landing ramp.

Bee land on your head? Success will be yours.

Prepare for some guests when a bee flies into your home.

Treat the bees with kindness and good fortune will be yours.

Speak to the Bees

Bees will become your family, bringing blessings, if you let them. Tell them of your successes as well as your downfalls, they will help with both.

In Wales, the family member had to tell the bees about the death before the funeral took place. They also added a black ribbon to the hive to help keep Death from paying the household another visit.

But above all...LOVE the bees.

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